Monday, October 18, 2010

Feels Like Home

October 31 - Romans 8:26

The singer sings the words, "Cleanse me, oh, God, and make me Thine.
For this body belongs to You, For your purposes and not mine.

God created us and Jesus cleanses us, And we are His through and through.
The Holy Spirit resides in us, Making the House of prayer ever new.

In every way may it be, That I obey each day
And simply choose you, And follow, trusting your way.

Lord, Keep on using me, As you will,
And my heart cries out, Lord, before you, I am still.

October 30 - Romans 8:28

Lord, you hear my cry, For the one on my heart.
You know how my heart yearns, Your will to him impart.

He once was yours, He once claimed you as Lord.
Yet he walked away, And left a broken cord.

I raise my beloved, And pray with tears.
Save Him, Lord, Take away His fears.

Take Him by your hand, Awaken his love for you.
Bring him to full grace, To the divine love He once knew.

Send the Holy Spirit, To intercede for him.
I love this one so, Make his life a praise-poem.

October 29 - John 11:26

Lord, I believe, Yet I hold back
A part of my heart as if there is a lack.

I guard my words, I guard my soul,
As if it is I, Who is in control.

Then in trembling fear, I dance all around
The truth of Him, And His love that surrounds.

Lord, help my unbelief, Help me believe
Without a doubt or fear, To your love, I'll cleave.

October 27 - I Peter 4:13

Tell me about suffering, And I will tell you,
Of the One who died, On the cross for me, it's true.

What agony He endured, And horrific pain,
As he bore our sins, Suffering and blood-stained.

How can I but love Him, How can I but care,
So deeply, I give my all, To Jesus, God's Son so fair.

Though I lose my all, My song I shall sing
Of my love for Thee, My Savior, My King.

When I learned what, He did for me,
I know the depth of His love, I know His grace so free.

Each wretched moment, I think I endure
Is nothing at all, For I live for Jesus, so pure.

October 26, 2010 - Romans 8:26, Psalm 139

When I was a child, I didn't understand
I wanted my own way, And my wishes I would demand.

Then I learned about God, How he made m.
My body is His temple is where - The Holy Spirit is to be.

Jesus went into the temple one day, To throw the evil doers out
He turned over the tables, and the money rolled about.

My house shall be called, A house of prayer, he said.
I open my heart to Him, and pray, I am Spirit-led.

October 25, 2010 - James 4:8

The sky is filled With messages from you.
The brilliant morning sun
Comes peeking through
The fleecy clouds take on
The reflection and hue.
Birds rush about
Singing praises as they flew
The earth says come,
Come, Lord Jesus, I love you.
My arms reach up...
To receive your love anew.
Then your love floods
My soul, through and through
And I remember, Draw near to God
And He will draw near to you!

October 24, 2010 - Galatians 2:20
I am the one, Look at me
To any man I will not, Bow my knee.

I am the one, I am my own man.
What I accomplish, Will forever stand.
Then I met Jesus, And lost myself,
In His saving grace, And His Love-self.

I am crucified with Christ, He's my living King,
He is the life I live, He is the song I sing.

October 23 - John 14:15

If I love Him, I will obey...
If I am one, With Him this day.

If is a punctuation mark On which Kingdoms are won
If is a pause in life, That stops a frantic run.

If is a great word, That creates anxiety
It stops me in my tracks and causes me to question my piety.

If I love and obey, God brings His love through me
So others will know the way, And in Him be free.

October 22 - I Corinthians 6:19

Nothing is more real
Nothing is more today
Than to surrender
To Jesus and His way.

In Jesus we give
Ourselves, hiding nothing
The world tries to pull us
From your purpose and loving.

We do not quiver in fear
At the first hint of pain
We simply grips his nail pierced hand
And remember the cross and stand.

Holy is your blessed name
Praises to you we sing
Lead us and guide us,
Saviour, Master, our King.

October 21 - Matthew 17:20

A faith-mark is the place
Where God leaves His love-trace.
Where God taught us
His Word to trust.
Our lives He sweetens
And our faith He strengthens
Faith is the indelible mark
Of God's presence in a personal-arc
Holy Father, come place in me...
Your faith-mark for all to see.

October 20, 2010 - Hebrews 11:6

I came into the world
A natural being
Impulsive and vain,
Selfish earth-seeing.

Then I met Jesus
And I surely know
That knowing Him
Is to love Him so.

To know is to trust
The One who loves me
He died on the cross
To set me free.

I am made whole
The Holy Spirit leads
And faith is boundless
For Jesus satisfies my needs.

October 19, 2010 - II Corinthians 5:21

At every turn on earth
I must show my I.D.
To let others know
And verify whom they see.

The papers I carry
Are written to reveal
My identification
Signed and sealed.

Then I met the One
Who bore the world's sin
His I.D. are the nail prints
His power and love is sovereign.

I cross the bridge
Of His great sacrifice
And the Great I am
And His love for me will suffice.

October 18, 2010 -
Romans 5:10

Justification is not
When I believe
Or when I repent
It's when I perceive
That Jesus died
On the cruel cross
And rose again.

Feels Like Home…..

It is your smiling face
In this comfortable place
That feels like home.

It’s the way you wrap your arms
Around me, that disarms me
That feels like home.

It’s the hurts you heal
That makes it real
And feels like home.

I never have to pretend
With my closest friend
You Feel Like Home.

How long will home last?
Will it soon be passed?
Oh, it Feels like home.

I’m home where I can share
Jesus’ love and care
He makes it Feel like Home

Jesus gave His Life for me
So I could live eternally
Where I feel at home.

With Him, it feels like home.
For me, it feels like home
Where there is love and trust
Where it Feels like home

Sunday, October 17, 2010

October 9-31, 2010

October 17, 2010
Matthew 28:19 -

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

The heart of a disciple/ Is to go and teach.
Not Go and Save, But others to reach.

A relationship with Jesus/ Is the joy of serving.
And to remain true/ Faith in Him preserving.

Our purpose in life/ Is to disciple in love
To please our Jesus/ And praise the Lord above.

October 16, 2010
John 20:21 - As my father hath sent me, even so send I you.

What is it that motivates/ What is it that drew me
To live for Him a life/ Extraordinarily new.

Though dangers assail/ And temptations are strong
Still I follow Him/ Though I stumble along.

Fo in my heart/ I see your smiling Face.
I see your glory/ And I see your saving grace.

October 15, 2010
I Corinthians 9:23 - I am all things to all man that I might save some.

I cannot serve God/ In this very place.
It is too hard for me, I lose sight of His face.

I am but an ordinary soul
Who seeks to do His will
Yet in God's hand/ I cannot be still.

For He gives me grace/ And gives me a place
To serve and praise/ All of my nights and days.

How can it be/ That His glory I see?
It's His will I believe/ Its His love I receive.

Oh, glory to His name/ His blood blots out my shame.
All powerful and mighty. His presence I claim.

October 14, 2010
II Corinthians 2:14 -

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

I stand at the cross road/ Bewildered by the signs
Which way do I travel/ Which sign is mine?

Is it riches/ And true fame?
A gathering of power/ So others know my name?

Then I see the words/ Pointing to a narrow road
It looks rough and steep/ And I carry such a load.

I chose Jesus/ My load begins to lighten.
The dark path/ begins to brighten.

Along the way/ I find oases of peace
Love and joy/ That never seem to cease.

When I thirst/ Along the way
Living water appears/ Beckoning me to stay.

Thanks be to God/ Glory to His Name
I see the end of the journey/ Praise Him, I proclaim.

October 13, 2010
II Corinthians 5:17 - If any man be in Christ a new creation, old things are passed away.

I give my all/ To Thee, oh Lord.
My everything is yours, You are adored.

Then a wrong thought/ Or a stray word,
Oh, draw me closer/ To You, O Lord.

How can it be/ That love escapes
When I simply want/ My life heart-shaped.

Then I turn to/ the words - new Creation
And I am cleansed by His blood/ A new re-creation.

October 12, 2010
Romans 8:16 - The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. (Proverbs 6:16-19)

Seven Things

God hates these things/ He loathes with a passion
Eyes that are arrogant/ A tongue that lies in unfailing action.

Hands that murder/ The innocent ones
A heart that contrives/ Evil schemes and actions.

Feet that race quickly/ Down a diabolic track
A mouth that lies/ Under oath without lack.

A trouble-maker/ in the family
These are the things/ God hates immovably

"Are you weary and worn/ Learn the to be free
In rhythms of grace, Child, come to me."

October 11, 2010

As the sun rises/ each day
And seasons/ pass my way.

So I see Jesus/ In clouds of the sky
And in the sunset at evening/ I'll be with him by and by.

Such grace and peace/ In Jesus is mine
I trust in Him/ As our hearts entwine.

October 10, 2010
I Thessalonians 4:3 -
It is God's will that you should be sanctified

I'm loving to walk/ In His will
The words fall from/ A heart that is still.

But, Lord, be gentle/ Let me have my way
Let me go my way/ As I plan each day.

Am I willing/ To surrender
My life to Him/ And live in His splendor

Not until I give/ My all to my Lord.
Then can I live/ With my King adored.

October 9, 2010
John 18:36a - Jesus said, "My kingdom is not of this world.

Feed my sheep/ Our Jesus taught
Feed them my Word/ Which they have sought.

Feed them my love / Feed them my grace
Feed them to yearn/ To see my face.

For my Kingdom/ Is not of this world
Raise the banner/ Of love unfurled!

Friday, October 1, 2010

October 2010 Heart-Words

October 8, 2010
III John vs 7b - It was for the sake of the Name that they went out...

Feed my Sheep

Do you love Me? / Feed my sheep
Walk in other's shoes/ With them laugh and weep.

Ever constant.../I will be
To Jesus my Lord/ His face I will see.

His love so great/ Wraps 'round my heart
He first loved me/ Let my love ne'er depart.

Help me see just you/ I cling to your love
I need your presence/ Precious presence from above.

Send me where you will/ With your spirit inside
You will draw all men/ And in you I'll abide.

October 7, 2010
John 14:12 - I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.

Prayer is the greater work/ I pray with wide open eyes
To accomplish His will /And its Your love I realize.

Prayer is the battle/ With lines drawn
You clasp my hurting heart/ At the dawning of each morn.

Whatever you ask/ In your glorious name
I will do/ and your name proclaim.

October 6, 2010
Matthew 9:38 - Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."


Is it high flown/ Words and phrases
Does prayer depend on/ Myriad men's praises?

The harvest awaits/ And workers are few
Who pray from the heart/ To the Lord Jesus true.

So many see, not/ The job we must do
That prayer is the key and/ Jesus provides the harvest anew.

It's not the busy work/ That evades concentration
Or the work we must do/ For prayer is our mission.

Lord, I ask that/ I always pray
And let you work/ Through me in your way.

October 5, 2010
I John 2:2 - He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?
My Shepherd and Lamb/ Son of God,
The great I am.

Who is Jesus?
The One who died/ And rose again
Forgive them, He cried.

Who is Jesus?
The One who saves me/ Because of His great love,
Sanctified I'll be.

Limitless His love
That I proclaim/ I worship Him
And angels acclaim.

Glory to His name
He's always the same/ Glory to His name
He takes away my shame.

October 4, 2010
Matthew 28:18-20 - Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Go and teach
Go and live
Go and be
To His authority.

I give thanks to Him
I worship each day
The blessed one ho
sends me on my way
Until I gone one day.

Abide in Him
He'll abide in me
Life has meaning
My soul to see
Beyond forever
And ever - His glory.

Praise be to Jesus
My Lord and King
Allelujahs follow
With ever breath I sing
He knows each step
He is the song I sing.

October 3, 2010
Exodus 2:11 - One day, after Moses had grown up, he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people.

When I see a wrong
That needs to be right
I want to take care of it
Before the beginning of night.

But in my haste
I forget on thing
To get into God's stride
And is will to bring.

Like Moses who
wanted to save
His people - and slew
The soldier who beat the slave.

I can must not be
But Lord-righteous
And with God's sight, I see.

October 2, 2010
Rhythm of Life

Keeping in step with God/ Is a new way of walking
Through the labrynth of life/ It a new way of heart-talking.

As the bumps in life/ Impede my way
I stumble and fall/ Searching for Him each day.

How can I find God's rhythm/ His way is in each season.
All nature revolves/ according to His Reason

The tiniest rose bud/ Bursts into full bloom
And I celebrate/ To see its utter freedom.

Creation lets me know/ That God's rhythms are so
Help me see His way/ And walk with Him this day.

October 1, 2010
Just Praise!

I lift my hands to you,/ Praising your goodness
You lavish your love on me/ With all kind gentleness.

You lift me up when/ My spirit cries out
You wrap your arms/ Around me when I doubt

There is joy in your name/ There is an ageless glory
There is a river of grace/ An eternity in your story.

Hold me close, Lord/ Fill my heart with You
Help me to trust and pray/ To be perfectly confident anew!